Valentines Day at Leeds Bars

Girls and boys it's nearly Valentines Day! If you're single this can be an exciting time. Will that guy you've been gawping at in the office send you a card? Will you receive a card from someone other than a friend/family member who knew you weren't going to get any cards and didn't want you to feel like a sadcase? Will you meet the man of your dreams? All of these things are possible. However, if you're in a relationship, February 14 can be like judgement day. You have to choose what you do very carefully and sorry boys, this really is up to you.
If the credit crunch (are you bored of that phrase yet? I am) has left you so strapped for cash that a dinner date is out of the question, you can always spend Valentines Day at …
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New Years Eve at Leeds bars
Is the credit crunch making you dread New Years Eve? It's an expensive time of year and it can feel like a gamble. After all, it's suppose to be the biggest party of the year but I've had a few New Year celebrations where I've found myself queueing for my coat and wondering - was that it?
Yes, we've all been there and so maybe you should, like me, decide that despite the tempting array of New Year events at Leeds clubs, you should just enjoy your New Years Eve at Leeds bars.
But don't just think you can head out the door on Wednesday, December 31 with a vague idea of where to go. No, there's a lot going on. Don't believe me?
Well, …
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Wine, Demystified

Confused by wine? There are quite a few of us who can’t tell their Chablis from their Chardonnays (no need to be ashamed!) and find ourselves stuttering when we’re amidst wine connoisseurs. Who knew just a little bottle of fermented grapes would be so tricky?
Now you have the chance to get all that knowledge sorted. Guy Henri Azam, head winemaker at Baron Philippe de Rothschild winery, and fellow wine expert Philip Goodband are hosting a webchat to demystify the concept. From good buys to ones best avoided, and how to recognise which wines are best whilst wandering the aisles of your local off licence.
Want to get your wine questions answered? Click here …
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Robotic Barman Descends on the UK!

Now I don’t mean to scare you, but I think robots may be trying to take over the world – or the UK at least - I-Robot style. Yes, it’s true. First it was the turn of the ICA in London to introduce robotic punk clubbers (see Neurotic Robots Love to Party), and now the world’s first robotic barman (I swear, it’s true) is making its shiny and new debut at one of my favourite places to spend money – Selfridges Oxford Street - tomorrow.
The robot, lovingly named Mr Asahi (as in the beer) is …
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