Girls and boys it's nearly Valentines Day! If you're single this can be an exciting time. Will that guy you've been gawping at in the office send you a card? Will you receive a card from someone other than a friend/family member who knew you weren't going to get any cards and didn't want you to feel like a sadcase? Will you meet the man of your dreams? All of these things are possible. However, if you're in a relationship, February 14 can be like judgement day. You have to choose what you do very carefully and sorry boys, this really is up to you.
If the credit crunch (are you bored of that phrase yet? I am) has left you so strapped for cash that a dinner date is out of the question, you can always spend Valentines Day at Leeds bars. A good place to head is Mal Bar where you can woo your young lady with a cocktail called Simply Beautiful. The restaurant is hosting a Valentines night so there's no chance of stumbling across a stag or hen night.
Another good hotel bar with a guaranteed sophisticated atmosphere is Scene. You can curl up on their sofa, or find a quiet corner and sink a bottle of wine. In fact, I'm warming to this idea of spending Valentines Day at Leeds bars. I've never done it, but working your way through a cocktail list with your nearest and dearest sounds like a brilliant idea. And if you fancy spending more cash than you would on a usual Saturday night, you could head to Epernay champagne bar and try their long list of bubblies, or try a champagne cocktail.
Although I like the idea of spending Valentines Day at Leeds bars getting slowly sozzled with the man of my dreams and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, unfortunately I won't be doing it. No, I'm in the singleton camp. I'm trying to be positive about it, but venturing out on Valentines Day at Leeds bars can feel like walking into a Sandals Resort - smug couples everywhere you look. And if you risk going down to your local you're likely to find a group of men who look suspicously like Divorcees Anonymous. Well, not this year. I have a feeling, fellow loners, that you and I may have a better time this Valentines. For starters, February 14 falls on a Saturday. Single people need not fear sticking out like a sore thumb because people will be out and about anyway simply because it's the weekend.

So, where's best to head on Valentines Day at Leeds bars if you're single. Take your pick really, but you'll probably be heading to a bar around the Call Lane area. Single guys will no doubt be in The Elbow Room, and so might single girls if they're on the prowl. BRB is always worth a look if you're after fresh talent and Boutique has a permanent 'on the pull' vibe. But if you want to forget it's Valentines Day, and I don't blame you, you should head to The Faversham, or New Roscoe which is hosting the Port Brothers.