White Cross

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 2 reviews

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Otley Road,
LS20 8LY

(01943) 884 305

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White Cross
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Reviewer Anonymous
Excellent pub for lunch, warm and friendly staff, excellent food and a good range of white wines.
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Reviewer Anonymous
The food here is very very very nice and the bar lady is quite hot!
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Content updated: 27/02/2012 21:23

Latest Pubs & Bars User Reviews

  • Aviator
    I go here alot and I think it's not the best for food service but...
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    Richplurcraft on 25/02/2012 @ 20:46
  • Rising Sun Inn
    The pub shut some time ago. Last time I passed, it was a 2nd-h...
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    hyperborea on 24/02/2012 @ 16:33
  • Epernay
    A horribly pretentious place, where the staff clearly think they ...
    StarNo StarNo StarNo StarNo Star
    bluesmoke on 24/02/2012 @ 10:44
  • Penny Hill
    avoid this pub a fight can start at anytime youve always got to l...
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    margaret63 on 21/02/2012 @ 20:54
  • Rockingham Arms
    Thoroughly worthy of the "country pub" marque. Good decor, frien...
    Craven1461 on 18/02/2012 @ 17:37